Personal Branding Strategist and Image Consultant Karyl Eckerle

Now THAT'S a Mistake You Don't Want to Make!

image consulting linkedin strategies personal branding Jan 19, 2023

What happens when the “know, like and trust” factor becomes a confusing mess?

 [Join the next complimentary Female Leader's Closet session to avoid the mess!]

Imagine receiving a letter or email from the IRS written in a child-like font like Comic Sans. Would you immediately trust its authenticity? Or would you second guess it’s legitimacy and think it may be a scam?

How about this scenario...You hire a company to clean your carpets and they arrive in a plain van with no logo or signage AND they try to enter your home with muddy shoes!

 How do you feel?

Do you feel confident about the quality of the company and employees? Or are you left questioning your decision to work with them?

While these might seem like small matters, they can spark doubt, confusion and mistrust. All of the sudden you're questioning whether or not you should let them carry out the job...or not.

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The same is true for your online presence. If there's no relevant content to be found (think LinkedIn, website, videos, other social platforms) related to your business, people may think twice before engaging with you.

Or worse yet, what if all they find is outdated or irrelevant material - including your headshot or other photos? 

These missteps have the potential to affect your bottom line and create a mess of your reputation and brand.  Confusion and mistrust can lead to disappointment for you and a big win for your competitor.

It pays to invest in both your in-person and digital presence. It gives you access to many benefits including increased confidence, stronger connections and building trust with potential customers.

Are you ready for some tips and strategies to create consistency and move your business forward…faster? 

Join me on January 31st at 12pm EST for our next [complimentary] Female Leader’s Closet session.

Upcoming Events (Please join me)

January 31st, 12:00pm - Complimentary Webinar - Building a Consistent In-Person and Digital Presence

Details Coming Soon! February 28th 4pm EST - The Female Leader's Closet LIVE Workshop and Networking - Limited to 12 guests

Details Coming Soon! March 21st 7pm EST - Personal Shopping Event at Ann Taylor (Somerset) - Limited to 10 guests

Are you ready to show up consistently?  Start by taking the Image Impact Assessment.  Click below to begin your no obligation assessment.

Image Impact Assesment

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